Journalism work

In my 20 years of journalism work (print, online, dailies, alt weeklies, glossies, etc.), I've covered a variety of topics, but my beat has always been arts and culture. Below, a sampling of more recent efforts.

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FILM: Role - Editor, contributing writer, formatting/publishing (via movable type CMS)

As Assistant Movies Editor at Paste, I spearheaded, assembled, edited, formatted, and posted the 100 Best Films Noir of All Time (Note: The choice to phrase it "Film Noirs" was an editorial decision). I also wrote the introduction (August 2015), and many blurbs throughout the rankings.

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When Paste debuted a new, monthly themed online issue, I contributed a personal piece for its April 2016 focus on The Road, from my impressionable experience viewing Thelma & Louise.

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POP CULTURE/HUMOR: ROLE - writer, formatting/publishing

Just in time for the winter weather (December 2016), I scoured streaming platforms for a cheeky overview of a curious cottage industry.