Thanks for taking the time to come here. I'll keep this brief.

I'm an editor/journalist of 20 years (print, online, dailies, alt weeklies, glossies, news, A&E, you name it) with an enduring pop culture jones and a curiosity about pretty much everything, and why. Lately, that's resulted in a mid-career pivot — and a dive into the systems that connect us, and how we work within them, and just maybe, how we can make tomorrow better, or at least less of a struggle. I attribute my guiding motivation to every story pitch, every angle, every editor's note I've received and given, but the gist of it is "So what? Who cares? And why should they?" And so, in 2017 I got my MFA in pursuit of a “dare-to-be-great situation,” and maybe easing back on the movie quotes. Maybe.

That's it for now. Feel free to poke around as you like, and thanks again.

I recently participated in a graduate symposium on the social functions of art and design.

I recently participated in a graduate symposium on the social functions of art and design.

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